23 ธันวาคม 2556

's new shares to be traded on 24 December 2013

Additional listed securities Subject : Additional listed shares Company name : NATION INTERNATIONAL EDUTAINMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (NINE) Old capital (baht) : 170,007,000.00 - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 170,007,000 Number of additional shares : - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 41,386 New capital (baht) : 170,048,386.00 - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 170,048,386 Par value (baht per share) : 1.00 Allocated for : Warrants (NINE-W1) 41,386 units exercise to 41,386 common shares Ratio (Warrant : share) : 1 : 1 Exercise price (baht per share) : 4.00 Exercise date : 13-Dec-2013 Trading date : 24-Dec-2013 ______________________________________________________________________