21 January 2019
Notification of Receipt of the Report on the Result of the Tender Offer of Nation National Edutainment Public Company Limited (Form 256-2)
18 January 2019
Appointment of Director
15 January 2019
Submission of the Amendment Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer
14 January 2019
Notification of Receipt of the Report on the Preliminary Result of the Tender Offer of Nation National Edutainment Public Company Limited (Form 247-6-Khor)
10 January 2019
Resignation of Director (As Template)
10 January 2019
Resignation of Director
10 January 2019
Submission of the Amendment Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2) of Nation International Edutainment Company Limited and the Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer
08 January 2019
Report on the utilization of proceeds received from capital increase (Edit)
08 January 2019
Report on the utilization of proceeds received from capital increase
08 January 2019
Notification on Receipt of the Amendment to the Tender Offer for the Securities of Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) No. 2
26 December 2018
Notification on Receipt of the Amendment to the Tender Offer for the Securities of Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) No. 1
26 December 2018
Submission of the Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2) of NINE and the Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer
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